Jumlah Paparan Halaman

Jumaat, Oktober 10, 2008


KEDISH! KEDISH! That is the sound of my keyboard being hitted by me. Sometimes I just cannot understand how this AutoCAD works. I'm so mad and feels like to kick this PC in the ass. Oldschool PC, I hope boss will upgrade it. Thank god, there's no prohibitted to access website. Yahoo Messenger is the best friend for me to relax for awhile.

Lots of tension. Lots of work to do but still i can write in my blog. Well...please don't be surprise because i'm write in english...just to make sure my english is still in the best performance. It is not just only car that have to get a service, sometimes english has to get service too. Plus in this office, all of my officemate is fully bumiputera. So, it is hard to hear any other language than Malay or Ganu or Klate language!

Anyway, what am i doing right now? You can see the picture below. My first assignment in this office. The drawing makes me dizzy and headache! I love to playing around with AutoCAD but the main problem is, I don't know what am i drawing right now. I mean the real things...the model to what am i created. This is a disaster! Damn to those who leave this drawing incomplete! At least, leave me a drawing that is in right scale! so right now, i have to go to PD and make measurement to the real flack stare that have been modified. The funny thing is, supposed i'm design first before the construction begin. However in this case, they construct first and then i draw. Do as you wish, BOSS! I just follow your order. Don't blame me.

5 ulasan:

Farid Abu Talib berkata...

relax la mamat autocad. jangan gelabah. malam ini kita berpeleseran. air kosong pun tak mengapa. nanti kita celoteh dan terbarai bersama. baru cool. pukul 9 di taman jasmin.

Amz CamPro berkata...

huhu...esok kite bermuzakarah autocad dirumah aku..hhahaha

fadzil hafiz berkata...

aku pon dulu blaja gile2 autocad nih!!konon2 nak jd jurutera...

last2 cikgu jep...

hafiz berkata...

salam kunjung! your english is okay what. haha better than my manglish!

TehTarik.My berkata...

relaxx...just imagine that u're in jammin studio...how to draw wood that falled in drummer's head...head banging la tuh!...hahahaha....bila turun kl?

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